We Really Need Some Good News
These are troubling times. As I write this it is five days prior to one of the most contentious presidential elections in our history and what troubles me is the state of the American church. She is defiant in her support for a reckless presidency, where over 200,000 lives were lost in a matter of months and the current leadership acts like it is not an issue, no longer an issue to be precise. In my engagement with social media people inform me that this is a crucial moment and a vote for the other candidate would be a vote against life, a vote against faith. It seems to me that the majority of self proclaiming Christians have sided with the current administration. At first I thought it was mainly Evangelicals who are in this group but from my reading it appears that Catholics and other faiths have adopted this position as well.
About ten years ago a blogger named Michael Spencer made waves in the blogosphere with the statement that the Evangelical collapse was imminent. This was probably influenced by the Obama administration and the shift in the country then towards more liberal positions at that time. True enough many high profile ministries started collapsing, Mark Driscoll, Willow Creek, and lately Jerry Falwell Jr and Ravi Zacharias. Even Jean Vanier, a saintly figure, was revealed to have hidden sexual transgressions. It may be that this collapse made the evangelicals cling to Donald Trump as their protector, a last desperate hope to cling to the standing they once had in society.
I feel strongly that this unwavering support will cause heavy damage to Christianity, people will look back on this time and see Christianity as a violent, materialistic, selfish religion. It is my hope and aim in this blog to add a voice in the coming effort to redeem Christianity from all the damage done in these years.
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