
These days are very hard and frustrating for me. It is one day before the election results are set to be finalized by the vice president and the day that Georgia is voting on races that will determine control of the senate. Trump and his supporters are rabid, conspiracy theories, wild accusations, violent protests are around us. The president has put all of his attention on overturning the election results, the distribution of the covid vaccines have been horribly deficient and it seems that this is the least of this president's priorities. 

I have prided myself as being "apolitical", I think sometimes that my focus on politics in this blog and my personal life is adding to the poison that is tearing up this country and destroying families and friendships. Yet what is happening is so insane, so dangerous that I can't help but try to address it. It is funny that most of my family here in the United States have taken the side of Trump and his supporters; that some of them, sick with covid and fearing for their well being, are siding with this manic, selfish, and murderous ideology. 

It bothers me deeply. It angers me when people are irrational and cause harm to themselves and others. It makes me feel hopeless, seeing very little left to love with the old lives we used to live prior to the pandemic.

I can't help but feel that the world, at least this country, is spiralling out of control and cannot be fixed. Then maybe this is how it has always been, we just failed to see the darkness of 
our hearts when life was good.


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