Christians and Covid
The Christian response to Covid-19 continues to baffle me...on one hand there are many Christian leaders who support vaccination and taking measures to stop the spread of this deadly disease (from Russell Moore to Franklin Graham) and on the other hand I encounter many, many Christian blogs, websites and videos that treat a reasonable and responsible attitude about Covid as though it were anathema, as though our duty in Christ is to resist any efforts at mitigating this virus and its effects. Just today I was surprised to find Eastern Orthodox clergy and believers ascribing so much antagonism towards the vaccines, essentially treating these are spiritual evils. I do understand the fear, the vaccine mandate comes close to the Bible's description of the mark of the beast:
and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name
Being unemployed because you refuse the vaccine is frighteningly similar to not being able to buy or sell anything without getting vaccinated. Yet the Scripture says something to the point of getting killed because one refuses to worship the image, and that does not play into any facet of the Coronavirus pandemic. Other vaccines are mandatory and have been mandatory for a long time: Polio, Chicken Pox, Measles etc. yet we never took these as anything sinister. These mandates were only rules given for society to keep dangerous diseases at bay. So many fears are being stoked by right wing media and various blogs, videos, and posts that suspect an international cabal set on controlling the world and ushering a one world government. So much suspicion, so many ideas that are not really new but have been rehashed since Hal Lindsay published his popular book "The Late Great Planet Earth". I'm perplexed, but one thing I do know that Christians fear of vaccines and masking are causing many people to lose their lives, these poisoned ideas have consequences and it is so bad that lives of thousands have been lost because of them. You better be darned sure of your theory if you are risking lives of people..
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